Monday, May 5, 2014

Living in Berlin x interview 023 漫畫家 Cartoonist: Dirk

Dirk 是一個來自荷蘭的漫畫家,目前和女朋友擁有一間自己的公司Dirk’s Big Bunnies。除了漫畫作品以外,也推出書籍、明信片、海報、托特包等等系列產品。
Dirk is a cartoonist. He comes from Holland. Now he and his girlfriend have  a company, Dirk’s Big Bunnies. They have many products, including comics, books, postcards, tote bags and posters.

Why did you move to Berlin?

4 years ago, I have heard many advantages and the good atmosphere of making art in Berlin. Therefore, I moved to Berlin. The first two years I had no exactly idea what to do, I just kept moving between here and Holland. Later, I decided to stay here.

Do you like Berlin?

I like Berlin.  But there are still things that I dislike. I found here is really good for making art. There are many possibilities for artists. I can rent an office and start my own company. I have markets to sell my products. I also build my social network here since I moved to Berlin. My friends do all kind of art, such as designer, actors, artist… etc. It takes time to build your own network but though the interaction, we have helped each other to be better and to grow. Of course, I believe there are still many other cities are good for artist. It’s just I don’t know yet.

What I dislike in Berlin is that some local people act very rude, even arrogant.  And the other problem that annoyed me might probably exist in every big city -  people stare at their cellphone all the time - even when they are walking. We need to be careful so that they  would not bump into us. Sometimes I think, maybe I should just stand there, and let these people bump on me and see what happen.

Do you have any tips for Berlin?

禮拜六在Nowkoelln Flowmarkt 的市集,還有一間中式料理 Tangs Kantine 我也很喜歡。
The flea market- Nowkoelln Flowmarkt on Saturday. And a Chinese restaurant -  Tangs Kantine, where I go very often.

When did you start to work as a freelancer?

I am a freelancer since very beginning. I have studied Animation, so I have made lots of animations before. Now I also have some cases about animation, but I focus on my own works now.

Can you describe yourself?

No. Well, I think I am a cartoonist. Sometimes I give myself too much pressure. But, I think I am a good guy. I don’t like to be controlled, but I set up many restrictions for myself. On one hand, I am an artist, but on the other hand, I am a businessman with my own company. I need to earn money for living. It’kind of  struggle. 

What inspires you?
Everything and everywhere. Reading inspires me as well. And I start to make music recently.

Why is Bunny in black and white? and some were drawn with many details, some are very simple?

我喜歡單色。我喜歡黑白的作品,我大部份的作品也都是如此。偶而也是會有一些彩色的作品,但是就bunny這個系列,黑白最好。 兩個都是我的風格,我喜歡讓他們混合在一起,有的時候我會花很多時間在畫一些細節上,有的時候不想。
I like monochrome. I like works in black and white and so are most of my works. There are a few in color. But for Bunny, black and white is the best. Both the delicate and simple are my style. I like to mix them together. Sometimes I would spend a lot of time for every small detail, but not always.

How do you delegate tasks?

Basically, I concentrate on creating and drawing. My girlfriend is a graphic designer. Thus, when I draw something, she will give me some suggestions, then I will modify it until we both are satisfied with it. She accomplishes the products, such as books, bags and t-shirts, which are made by screen printing. (They are all hand made!) Every product is created through this procedure. I also learned a lot from producing, such as choosing the right paper for the book. It is interesting for me. 

Do you travel often?

We are quite busy for developing products now. We combine work and travel now. Since we sometimes will join the markets in other cities, these are the chances to make  small trips after working. We put all the things we need for work into the car and then just go ahead! 

Is there any reason for you to keep working further?

Fun. And I also want to go further in art. For example, I have drawn Bunny for 2 years. I had no idea what kind of topic would be humorous when I started it. But later, I knew what people like and how to do. At this moment, I felt bored. When the work has a solid form to performance, then it is just like a routine. Probably my motivation comes from not knowing exactly what I am doing. I do not mean that I have no idea what I’m doing but to give it a try, create more chances and challenge myself. Maybe I will succeed, it’s really nice. But if I failed, than I still learn a lot from this experience. I enjoy in trying and finding my limitation.

我們自己出錢印刷了bunny的書,印刷是柏林的工作室負責的,選用了很好的紙以及安全的油墨,這是一筆不小的費用,當然我們也很緊張,究竟這個投資的結果會是如何? 好消息是,我們下個月就會進行第二刷了。 
We published the book of Bunny. It was printed in Berlin from a local factory. We chose the good paper and eco friendly ink. This was not a small fee for us, and we were so nervous for the result of this investment. The good news is : we are going to have the second print next month!

Dirks website


Living in Berlin 
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